Individual counseling is provided to children and adolescents who are struggling with academic, behavioral, attentional, medical, social, and/or emotional challenges. If your child’s challenges directly impact their day-to-day functioning, please contact me to discuss counseling support.
I see first-hand how children who struggle with various issues display notable difficulties managing and succeeding within a school setting. Given the numerous academic and social challenges placed upon children at school, they are easily overwhelmed and frustrated when unable to consistently meet school-based expectations. In addition to the school setting, children also exhibit difficulties at home and within the community resulting from weaknesses with social skills, impulse control, and behavior regulation.
The initial phase of counseling typically involves an assessment of concerns, review of background information, and the identification of specific goals and objectives. Before I meet with your child, a parent intake appointment is held to obtain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s history (i.e. developmental, medical, educational, etc.) as well as your present concerns for pursuing counseling. Specific goals and objectives that directly address your child’s challenges will be determined. During the counseling sessions, I use a cognitive-behavioral approach that teaches your child effective skills and strategies that increase their self-esteem and overall confidence.
Consistent follow-up with parents occurs so that I may update you on your child’s progress with the counseling goals. Additionally, parents are encouraged to share relevant information prior to our counseling sessions so that issues/concerns can be addressed in a timely manner with your child during our sessions. Instances may occur when it will be beneficial for me to consult with classroom teachers and school staff in order to address difficulties your child is experiencing at school. Prior to consulting with the school, a signed confidential release form is required from parents that permits me to consult with school staff. Parent and family involvement is a critical component of the therapeutic process.
Counseling support is provided to children and adolescents presenting with a variety of issues including —
• Academic Difficulties
• Adjustment Disorders
• Attachment Issues
• Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
• Behavioral Problems
• Learning Disabilities
• Low Self-Esteem
• School Issues including Bullying
• Anxiety and Depression
• Anger Issues
• Social Skill Deficits
• Family Issues including Divorce and Separation